Shivaya Jan Lok Seva Samiti

Sustainable Green Initiative

Agriculture is the main source of livelihood in the hills.Many people may chose to stay in the hills and do agriculture but they are still migrating.



The fact is they are not really having much of a choice.There is too much hard work in agriculture and not much gain. The youth seeks alternate work with regular income and less risk.They migrate to other plain cities for odd jobs like cook or waiter in restaurants.



The higher education infrastructure in the hills does not help much in building skills of the youth.The hills population in villages live as communities and work as communities.If a part of population starts migrating then it becomes difficult for the rest to stay back.



There is a socio-economic pressure to migrate on the community.The already migrated populace also help the others to settle in other cities by providing help in seeking employment or temporary accommodation.



Our meambers aware farmers of the rural uttarakhand how Planting trees in unplowed land aligns with sustainable development goals, contributing to environmental conservation, poverty alleviation, and community well-being.



Planting fruit trees in rural Uttarakhand can serve as a sustainable and profitable livelihood option for villagers.

Subhash Shah of Dwargarh village in Tehri district was inspired by this and was told the benefits of gardening, as a result of which he planted more than 1000 different fruit trees in his fields and the trend is continuing.

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